Yuebin Guo Elected to the Academy of Fellows of the International Academy for Production Engineering

Yuebin Guo, Henry Rutgers Professor of Advanced Manufacturing, has been named a fellow of the Collège International pour la Recherché en Productique (CIRP), the world’s leading organization in manufacturing-related research. Election to CIRP Fellow represents the highest recognition of a scientist in the field of manufacturing engineering.

Guo, a pioneer in manufacturing infomatics, joined Rutgers School of Engineering and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in 2019 with a goal to establish Rutgers as a global leader in advanced manufacturing. His efforts include working in collaboration with industry partners, government agencies, and university researchers in areas such as additive manufacturing, micro/nano-manufacturing, smart manufacturing, and flexible co-bot manufacturing.

CIRP is at the forefront of design, optimization, control and handling of processes, machines, and systems.  The academy has restricted membership based on demonstrated excellence in research and has some 600 academic and industrial members from 50 industrial countries. The total number of fellows worldwide is limited to 175.